Saturday, January 7, 2012

Key Two...Lexington, Kentucky

Another key, another dear friend. I started with two of my oldest part because nothing seems to have much longevity these to have two long standing freindships with very dear women seems a rare treasure. And that is where key two a rare treasure of a friend.
Sheila Horn came into my life at a time when God knew I needed her...we went through residency, the births of our oldest girls (complete with picture in crib together in matching outfits!), moving, children growing, life changes, graduations, birthdays, missions, vacations, and so many ordinary things that you just need to have a good friend there to walk through with you.

Sheila is a woman of incredible spiritual stature...She is who I look to for guidance and encouragement in the Word...she is so grounded on the earth, yet with a heavenly perspective that sometimes takes my breath away. One thing that I cannot mention without tears is her envcouragement she gave to me on the one year anniversary of my Father's hospitalization and death. Throughout that week, she sent me a prayer and scripture for each day that held memories experienced one year earlier during hot July weather...from the day we had rushed him from collapse through surgery, through ICU, through the day of exactly one year after his final breath was taken..

She had walked in my shoes...she knew the pain of loss first hand...and the changes that were to come...she held my hand and prayed for God to hold my heart as I struggled to live and accept the new path God had laid before me.

My children know her as Miss Sheila, baker of fine poundcakes & giver of fabulous gifts. I know her as Sheila, a woman with a gift as a hostess, a fabulous cook, a runner, a mother, an encourager, a learner, and woman with her heart, mind & soul in the Word...and most importantly, my friend. Thank you.

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