Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day One

Today starts a journey for the year to be taken as a road of gratitude, a recognition of hidden joys, a turn onto the path less taken...

I have 300 keys...all to be distributed in the year 2012...each laying in my studio...awaiting their new journey. Before they leave to other hands, I will make a rubbing of the key to line my gallery walls, one by one. They will then be dipped red, for recognition, for celebration, for identity... each one is unique, just like their journey that they, and I, will take this year...

I plan to hand out all 300 red keys throughout the year, with at least 50% going to people as to for unknown to me...yet our paths were meant to cross for that moment of blessing. These keys could then be hung on a key chain to remind the new owner to notice small joys and blessings...or can be passed along to others given in gratitude...

...this is a diary of each red key and their by one...

1 comment:

  1. What a very cool idea! I love this! I can't wait to read the stories behind your keys - why you sent them where you did etc. You're so young to have such depth and understanding of how important the small joys are! I love to see that!

